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I touched a tidbit on this topic on my article "Lies Christians Should Stop Believing" but here I am going to go more in depth. So, I decided to make this Article because I know there are many Christians who don't understand why sex before marriage is so bad. Disclaimer: This is not to bash anyone, we are all sinners. But anyways, sex before marriage has been in so many movies that sex has become some kind of sport. Sex is supposed to be a beautiful thing between two people in covenant with each other, just like we receive God's intimate love through the Holy Spirit after we accept Jesus as our savior. "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge."Hebrews 13:4. Like it explains in Ephesians 5, As Christians, we are to reflect the love of Christ so men are to sacrifice and women to submit. It is a representation of Christ and His bride the church. If you look up Christian wedding symbols you will see a lot of it reflects Christ. Heres a good site I found  So, I wanted to start there to debunk the whole, marriage is just a paper thing. Sure, it is. If you are not Christian.  But for us, it's a promise before God. Now I want to get into some of the consequences of fornicating. You are basically robbing yourself of God's beautiful design. Comparison is one big issue. You were never meant to go into marriage already knowing how you like it. You shouldn't be comparing your spouse to your past. This is also what pornography and masturbation do. They are outlets so you don't have to wait and depend on God. When someone has been pleasing themselves for so long, they begin to expect things a certain way. That's how the body works. When you indulge in something, it wants it again and again. But what if your spouse doesn't do things like you are used to? This is why God originally wanted sex to be a discovery between a married couple. It saves them from the pain of comparison. I think most people also know the diseases that can be spread so I don't even have to go into that. But I also must mention that sex shouldn't be a me, me, me thing anyway. Not how this person can please me, but a giving thing. The Bible says, " Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband." Women, without getting too detailed real quick, you are the ones being entered. So it is easy to become emotionally involved with a guy who is providing for you a certain type of protection. Guard your hearts. Also, if you are no longer a virgin do not feel less valuable. Like I explained earlier a Godly Man is going to reflect Christ so he will take you as you are, love you, and iron out those wrinkles. And Men, women aren't the only ones who should be practicing purity. You should be leading in purity and treating the ladies as sisters in Christ. Ladies, there are men out there who will marry you because you had a child together. Maybe they were fatherless and don't want their child to be without a dad. But, I challenge you to get with a man who wants to marry you soon. With or without a child, marriage should be on their mind. Jesus said, "If you love me keep my commandments." So, out of love, let's present ourselves a " living sacrifice." Romans12:1. A scripture that has helped me, one of my favorites, is Isaiah55:11. "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." In other words, God's not having you abstain from sex until marriage for no reason, it will please Him and also do good unto you because you will enjoy sex in its most beautiful way, how God intended it. Believe it or not, sex isn't just physical. It is physical, spiritual, and emotional. That's why some people keep coming back to each other after they have done it. They have formed a deep connection with one another.  So I challenge all of you to start practicing celibacy within your relationships. Consider sex to be a wedding gift from God that brings forth more gifts like children! Besides,  God's only doing you a favor. It will build up anticipation making your wedding night more special.


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