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Celebrate Halloween?

      Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? This is compiled of all the things I have discovered through researching. First, let me address  that only once  or twice in this article will I mention origins but I will also mainly discuss what Halloween means today.. Many Christians feel as if Halloween is discussed and argued against for Pagan origins, shouldn't Christmas.  Celebrating the birth of Jesus, has always been a good thing to do as the wise men gave gifts to baby Jesus, it is Santa Clause and the pagan tradition of bowing to Christmas trees that ruined that, note: I am not saying that just because you own a Christmas tree you are bowing to it, However the difference with Halloween is that it has always been a day about Death and Fear. Should we as Christians be dressing up in costumes and passing out candy just as the world does? Or are we called to be set apart? Here are some reasons why Christians Should NOT be celebrating Halloween: ( P.S. Even if you are not a Christian, these are things to consider and be aware about: )

1. It Fantasizes Death and Fear

  • Death and Fear are not things to rave about, rather things that had to be conquered by Christ. Halloween makes death look cool, showing skeletons walking around and ghosts, yet we as Christians know that death is not at all cool, there is a second death called hell, that is nothing to rave about. Matthew 10:28 " And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

2. Mocks Spiritual Beings:

  • Walking around as angels and devils, may not be a bright idea.  We as Christians know that our fight is "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12  Many people who put on these type of costumes are asleep to the truth of evil and good working in this world. However as Christians, we know that it is very REAL and should not make a mockery of it. See Leviticus 26:1 and Exodus 20:4-5

3. Bobbing For Apples?

  • Bobbing for apples is a tradition that is played at Halloween parties and events. It is when you fill a bowl with water and add apples and try to catch one with your teeth, quite germy btw, anyways, In Satanism, they use these apples as it signifies life. Allow me to explain, when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they ate and and that day they died spiritually because God commanded them not to eat. See Genesis2:16. The Bible never says Apple, yet this is the symbol people use, so for Satanists an Apple represents life, because for them life is death. For them the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is good because death is good to them. I just wanted you all to be aware of at this game means to those who worship the Devil.

4. Idolatry

  • It's like cheating on God when we take one day out of the year instead of celebrating the life and freedom that Jesus gave, to celebrate fear and death. Be careful brothers and sisters, there are many superstitious activities in Halloween such as black cats being "evil" and used as blood sacrifices in witchcraft, maybe even some white ones, thank God they ban the purchase of them around this time of year, poor kitties I just want to adopt them all, jack o lanterns fighting evil spirits, when you could just pray to Jesus, and spider webs being good luck. We must be careful not to put our faith in superstition as the Bible warns us 1 Timothy 4:7 " But reject profane and old wives' fables, and exercise  yourself towards godliness." Also see Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Leviticus 19:31, Colossians 2:18-23. Superstition is idolatrous and fearful, we must instead have faith in God. "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe  that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6. Faith truly is the only thing we have and can take with us to heaven.

5. Excuse to go Wild

  • If God doesn't like it any other day, Halloween is no exception.  Some use Halloween as an excuse to go wild, and to terrorize people.  We should not become drunk of our iniquities  as well as torture other people who do not want to be involved. This may have been a quick point but it's crucial.

6. Degrades Sex

  • For many people, Halloween is an excuse to dress immodestly. The Bible tells us that we should not be drawing that kind of attention to ourselves. 1 Peter 3:3-4. When we wear things like this we can put lust in the hearts of others. The Bible teaches us not to cause another brother to stumble. Romans 14:12. We are  not meant to be uncovering the nakedness of those whom we are not married. When you see these types of costumes, it can make the mind roam to sexual places, however it would be sex in a perverted way. Sex was never meant to be this casual, perverted and degraded thing, but a beautiful thing that God created for husband and wife. Hebrews 13:4. " Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge." Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit so we must treat them with respect. 1 Corinthians 6:19. For more info on sex check out my articles on Fornication and What is Love?


  • I used to be on the committee at school that hosts the events. My teacher wanted to make a haunted house in the hallway, that everyone must use, of the school. Now I definitely voted against it, because it would be forcing those who don't want to be scared to walk inside. I mean, they have to get to class too, right! But I had to let my teacher know that based on my own convictions from God that if it where something they'd be carrying on with I wouldn't participate. Schools are "secular" nowadays, so Christianity is not allowed. Most of us, like myself consider it a Faith, however the schools bundle it up with everything else. But what is funny is that Satanism, Witchcraft, and Occultism isn't considered a religion in schools. So it is welcome. Dress up days and all. I nearly came to tears finding out that elementary school kids have the options of joining a After School Satan Club. A lot of times if a Christian After School Club is permitted, they must compromise something.  It's like saying Jesus isn't welcome, but the Devil is. Now, you may think it's not all that serious, but keep reading, Halloween may not be as innocent as you think.

8. Glorifies Satan

  • Who loves Death and Fear? Satan does. It does not at all bring glory to our King. This is the issue I have with some churches. Dressing up in costumes and going to church or having a trunk or treat does not bring glory to God. When we do those things we are not being set apart, rather doing the same things the world does and just giving it a different name. I would like to point out that many tribes and cultural parades use costumes to do dances that are dedicated to false gods. We should not be bringing costumes into the church. Nor having a celebration like the world." For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14. Halloween is a day that is most sacred to Satanists, Witches, and Occultists, when they do many wicked rituals. Why should children of light have a common holiday with those who worship Satan?

9. Ex- Satanists, Witches, Pagans and Occultists Warn Us

  • Praise God, there are many people He has delivered from devil worship. Those of them who have now turned their lives to Christ, tell us Christians that it its NOT for us! There are many articles and YouTube videos where Christians with that past can tell you about the wicked rituals that go on, the Halloween items that are dedicated to Satan, and how wearing costumes and setting out jack o' lanterns is like inviting the Devil in. They share their wicked past and what really goes down on Halloween, I'm not going to get deep into that here but for more info, Check out the Sources at the end. So if you can't take it from me, then take it from them. Halloween is Not for Christians.

10. WWJD?

  • Jesus would never celebrate a day about Death, Fear and Wickedness. He is about Light, Freedom, and Life. However, Jesus also wouldn't run away in fear of demons. He would heal those people. So if you are going to do anything at all on Halloween, it should be a prayer meeting, or handing out Bibles. Something that points others to Christ and anything that  glorifies God.

      What about the fun? What about the children!... Well, I can't speak as a parent , but as a child, we are quite impressionable. The costumes may seen innocent now, but the Devil likes to plant seeds in our kids. To indoctrinate them.  It may be "innocent" now but what we are really conveying is that Halloween is a special day when we dress up. Instead of dressing up and going trick or treating, we should stay safe. The Devil wants us to believe that we are missing out, but don't believe this lie. The Bible says that, "People do not despise a thief when he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving yet when he is found he must return sevenfold." Do not be envious of people who are having moments of pleasure when they are starving for the Kingdom of God, and there will be consequences.

      By the end of this article, I hope and pray that you all consider what has been said, Again this is all from my researching, but the last piece of advice I give you is to listen to your own convictions, if you do not believe the Lord might approve of you celebrating Halloween and you are unsure, that can be a Big indication! Other than that, have a blessed day!










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